
Effectivebusiness solutions read more
  • Product Analysis

    Analysing the product and comparing with the Canadian Standard Requirements.

  • Market Analysis

    How well can we place the product in North American market.

  • Export Solutions

    Export agent help as well as importing, customs brocker arrangement.

  • Product Launch

    Stocking the product and finding retailers or wholesalers.

Dream bigger

Finding new Markets We will work together to explore North American market for new products.

We offer an opportunity to explore Canadian market using our services. Overseas product launch, sales and marketing has always been an unachievable dream for many small businesses across India. We provide all the services in making this dream practical. We have to analyse first to evaluate the product with respect to Canadian Market to have a coherent idea. Please use the analyse page to provide all the details about the product and the company. Once we have the details and sample we will work together to get the all the hidden cost and expenses while importing the product to Canada.


Eport/Import Solutions.

Canadian Market Analysis.

Stocking, Retail / Wholesale distribution in Canada.